Building a Bilingual Organization
The Tai Initiative values working in both English and 中文. Though we are just beginning this effort, you will see examples throughout this website of 我们 putting a bilingual nature to work in our non-profit operations.
As countries around the 世界 continue to expand on free trade outside of their own borders, with the aim of increasing exports to those regions, more and more 小businesses are beginning to consider the opportunity for expansion. However, before they can capitalize and start offering their services and products overseas, a majority of them must cross one of the most well-known hurdles in international business: language barriers.
There is no doubt that knowing more than one language opens many 门 for any business, with the most important being cultural appreciation. In addition to being able to communicate, bilingual businesses have the most valuable advantage when it comes to international expansion: the ability to appreciate different cultures and solve problems while also being able to operate efficiently in a different environment from what they are accustomed to.
Language services alone support $1.5 trillion in exports, and as globalization continues to make the world seem a little smaller, more businesses are understanding the necessity of international expansion in order to not risk losing out. What was once just a nice-to-have skill, multilingualism has now become much more essential to finding new markets at all.
Following the path to becoming a multilingual business allows you to reach into untapped markets and erase those communication barriers across the globe. This infographic, originally posted by, may be a helpful reference as you explore your next steps toward a bilingual organization.