What do we hope to accomplish in Beijing?
This summer, June 12-20 to be exact, The Tai Initiative will make its next trip to China! During those nine quick days, we hope to expand our presence within the larger dialogue on leadership in a variety of subnational fields, particularly at the ACCEX meeting in Shanghai. Thinking about the opportunities presented to visit new contacts in Beijing, we hope to achieve the following goals:
– To inform Chinese leaders of The Tai Initiative’s existence and work in the field of subnational relations. By sharing the organization’s purpose, mission, vision and strategy with key leaders in China also involved in subnational relations, we hope to learn of new opportunities for growth and collaboration with Chinese organizations.
– To listen to Chinese leaders’ perspectives on the hope or vision they see in the role of subnational institutions to improve Chinese/American relations in the 21st century.
– To begin talking about developing support for a US/China inter-subnational relations conference (Tai Initiative co-sponsored in China with an undetermined partner). The first conference held this April in Seattle was a success; we are now looking to understand how and when to plan similar conferences in Denver (with Denver University’s Center for China/US Cooperation), D.C., Beijing and elsewhere.
– To learn more deeply about the relationship between PRC government organizations and the growing civil sector. We are currently pursuing research in this area particularly with an objective of learning the leadership backgrounds and skill sets of the current generation of civil sector leaders.
We welcome any and all suggestions for possible partners in Beijing or Shanghai whom we should meet to discuss these goals.