The current show, “America-China Relations 101” is a 20-episode program planned for release throughout 2016. It is intended for sequential listening, but episodes are not entirely dependent on one another. The first five episodes lay out the fundamental structure of The Tai Initiative’s four-level construction for best understanding the complexity of America-China relations.
Ep.1 “The Four Levels” time: 21:40
Ep.2 “The Subnational Level” time: 15:28
Ep.3 “The Civilizational Level” time: 21:34
Ep.4 “The National Level” time: 20:47
Ep.5 “The Individual Level” time: 25:48
Ep. 6 “The Importance of Subnational Leadership” time: 18:14
Ep. 7 “Mayors” will be available soon.
< New episodes will release approximately every two weeks. >
Ep. 20 is currently scheduled for release October 23, 2016
Future shows will focus on biography, history, and leadership development topics.