Networking sub-national leaders into one community 为次国家领导人打造一个社交关系网络社区

[half]In the United States, substantial influence on the US/China relationship can be found at the state level and below.  These sub-national efforts often find support for their particular program goals from a combination of public and private funding, both of which have recently shrunk considerably.  American civil society is the primary supporter for many sub-national level programs.  Many of these civic organization leaders know one another, but are often limited in their exposure to a city, state or regional perspective.  A national network of connections has yet to naturally appear in the past 30 years of experience with several official state/province relationships; The Tai Initiative makes possible a national network for all these participants to reach out to one another, when inspired or needed, to sustain and inspire greater program growth across America.

In the People’s Republic of China (PRC), substantial influence on the US/China relationship can also be found at the provincial level.  This influence and engagement, however, is supported almost entirely by the funding and policies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), since civil society in the PRC is still in the early stages of growth and development.  Therefore, successful US/China relations at the sub-national level must work with and engage government leaders.  The need for greater national support to this sub-national relationships was recognized by the central government of China when Foreign Minister Yang joined Secretary of State Clinton in signing the Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Establishment of a U.S.-China Governors Forum to Promote Subnational Cooperation.  The foundation for this agreement was laid at the second round of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue in May 2010, when the United States and China pledged to enhance bilateral economic cooperation at the subnational levels.

Yet many of the most successful Americans producing the best examples of trust in the sub-national relationship have no official position with which to represent government policy.  At the same time, in the current U.S. economy many state-level government workers tasked to promote US/China ties are too poorly resourced, despite their official position, to apply the necessary time and energy required to invest substantially in the US/China relationship.  This overall situation provides a unique challenge to communications at the sub-national level, yet great success stories can still be found.

The Tai Initiative networks officials and citizen leaders of both countries in one community.  In one network, rather than two, we believe The Tai Initiative will uncover the best opportunities and methods to overcome traditional obstacles to communication, understanding, and — ultimately — trust.[/half]

[half_last]在美国,对中美关系一定程度的影响可以在州或其下层面体现出来.  这些次国家层面的努力通常需要通过寻求一些公共或私人基金的支持,来展开他们的特别项目,但最近这两种形式的基金都开始一定程度的缩减了.  美国民间社会是众多次国家层面项目的最主要支持者.  许多这些民间团体的领导人都彼此熟此,但是通常他们的会面局限于一个城市,一个州或者特点区域.  即便在过去的30多年中,若干州和省官方之间已经存在着一定的关系了,但全国性的社交关系网络还没有很自然地出现.  The Tai Initiative 将为所有有这种需求的参与者提供这样的全国性社交关系网络,并努力在全美维持和支持这个项目取得更大的进步.

在中国,对中美关系一定程度的影响也可以在省级层面体现出来.  对于支持这种影响和活动的基金及政策,基本都来自于中国共产党,这是因为民间团体在中国仍处于起步阶段.  因为,成功的次国家层面的中美关系必须通过与政府领导的合作才能实现.  这种对于更大国家支持的次国家关系的需求,已经被中央政府所认识到.  中国外交部部长杨洁篪与美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿签署了《关于建立中美省州长论坛以促进地方合作的谅解备忘录》,以便推动更多的合作.  这个协议的基础是建立在2010年5月第二轮美中战略与经济对话上的,当时美国与中国保证要在一定程度上提高双边经济合作.

已经有很多非常成功的美国人提供了最佳例子,他们并没有官方背景,却已经与能代表政府政策的一方取得一定信任关系.  与此同时,由于目前美国的经济情况,很多政府职员,很难拿出时间,精力,和经济资源来进一步推进中美关系与.  这样的总体情况为次国家层面的交流提供了一个独特的挑战,虽然仍可以找到一些特别成功的故事.

The Tai Initiative将把政府人员和两国的民间领导人融入一个社交关系网络社区中.  在一个而不是两个社交圈子里,我们相信The Tai Initiative将提供最好的机会和方法来克服传统交流中的障碍,达到互相体谅,最终信任彼此.[/half_last]

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